"WHAT IF ... we think we have the answers, but it's the questions we have wrong?
WHAT IF ... people aren't the problem, but POVERTY IS ...?
WHAT IF ... Air and Water were CLEANER coming out of power plants, factories and farms THAN GOING IN?
TrueProsperity™ has a deeper purpose: TO ANNIHILATE POVERTY with true, durable and sustainable Abundance.
Humankind's gravest challenges are borderless: hunger, dehydration, pollution, disease and climate. So, let's champion real, practical and profitable solutions that exist right now ...
let's synchronize in Resonance® with TotalSuccess™ for ALL PEOPLE AND the PLANET!
This publication is a "HOW TO" Manual to make the world better. It introduces not just science or a business,
The Resurgency has begun, and YOU can join it."
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PDF speech Transcripts using the links below: