Green energy, sustainable energy, renewable energy, zero emissions, pollution-free, climate change, Clean energy, No Pollution, CHPH, Biogas, Sustainability®

The standard of performance that permeates The Resonance®, The MAWCAWE Institute and CONCENTRIC Industries is the pursuit of Quality Of Life (QOL) that is only available by means of consilient innovation.  
If any facet of success (Economic, Ecologic, Social, or Spiritual) is lacking, then it cannot be TotalSUCCESS™.

The upside is that when we synchronize our actions in Resonance® with complete and TrueProsperity™,
we optimize technological solutions to solve social problems.  The unprecedented scale and productivity of CONCENTRIC's answers to the right questions are the world's keys to "Pandemic Sustainability".

The term "IDENscience®" has been coined to capture this return to the fundamental identity of abundance:
Integrated + Distributed + Elegant + Natural.


consiliently deploying multi-disciplinary solutions to multi-functional challenges


siting hyper-efficient and pure energy, food, air and water plants at the point of use, or at the source of waste production


holding to Ockham's Razor by relentlessly pursuing simple, reliable answers to tough, relevant questions


remembering that all science is first natural, and heeding the poetically cogent words of the late, great musician and writer, Neil Peart:

"Science, like nature, must also be tamed,
with a view toward its preservation.
Given the same state of integrity,
it will surely serve us well."

Natural Science on 'Permanent Waves', © 1978, RUSH 

Download the "Applying Natural Science to Achieve Social Justice" PDF manual below for a compact in-depth study of the Technological Achievements and Global Goals of Concentric Industries' ConcentricDAO:

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