Green energy, sustainable energy, renewable energy, zero emissions, pollution-free, climate change, Clean energy, No Pollution, CHPH, Biogas, Sustainability

A Primer on Polyculture & the
Power of Consilience

"The world is changing, but old ways can be modernized. This is the way of growth."

Marijo Moore,
Indigenous Author

The real, patented and proven engineering (applied science) tools presented in this primer truly

“Represent the Future of Energy, Food, Air and Water for the Whole World”™.

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Energy, Food, Air and Water are serious.
We cannot afford sloppy thinking.

 This website represents the real politic - the skillful, ingenious, prudent, sagacious and rising worldview based on accurate science.

Upon diligent study of the consolidated materials presented in this brief manual, the proverbial "Economics versus Ecology" debate (often referred to as "Jobs vs. the Environment") will be rendered obsolete, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.

This claim is founded on the pillars of sound Physics, Chemistry, Thermodynamics and Mechanics.

The key to unlock these 'secrets hidden in plain sight' is a powerful tool called CONSILIENCE. Simply put, it means using an approach to solve multiple cross-discipline problems, simultaneously, with elegance. From this day forward, to be a "polymath" requires only the desire to find better ways of doing things.

That means that science and its application (a.k.a. engineering) must also be viewed as a tool to achieve a Performance-Based and Complete Quality Of Life (QOL).

Only TotalSuccess™ that includes Energy, Food, Air and Water stewardship cultivates sustainable TrueProsperity™ that includes Economic, Ecologic, Social and Spiritual gains.

Because TrueProsperity™ demands TotalSuccess™ that is sustainable in ALL of its facets, if ANY of these Results is missing, then growth cannot be durable and it will not last.

The real, patented and proven engineering (applied science) tools presented in this primer "Represent the Future of Energy, Food, Air and Water for the Whole World"™.

What better time to foster techniques that simultaneously cultivate durable thriving, Economically, Ecologically, Socially and Spiritually?
Who has the sagacity and the courage "2S.E.E."™ the Biggest Picture?

Because these processes are the present standard-bearers for the vanguard of consilient innovation, they are the harbingers of the Future of Energy, Food, Air and Water…. Everywhere. And that means they are inherently the best and most convergent pathways to enduring social victories and Spiritual freedom.

This website is an introduction to The Resonance® curriculum and will provide a basic understanding of the 'science behind the solutions'. More rigorous engineering analysis of the Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) included in specific patent files is left to detailed coursework within The MAWCAWE Institute and actual engineering, construction and operations work at
Concentric DAO.

The transformation of perceived multi-faceted problems into Advantages that are sustainable requires only the comprehension and application of the Truth of Abundance (the "All Gain Sum"™) that transcends the lie of lack (the "zero sum game").

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Aren't the results worth it? 

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