ConcentricDAO is an EFCOM (Engineer + Finance + Construct + Operate + Maintain) corporation that creates facilities that make pure Energy, Food, Air & Water to improve Quality of Life on earth.
We are the paragon of a hands-on group that meets essential needs using our patented and proven leading-edge technologies that simultaneously set new standards Economically & Ecologically.
Concentric is a real ‘Bricks & Mortar’ company, with the most unprecedented range of expertise, but we are much more than just expert designers and builders. We apply our skills to a greater purpose.
Durable success in life demands not just 4 “HOW” Tools, but more so, 4 “WHY” Drivers. Always. If any one aspect of either of the 2 sets of 4 is missing, then any success, equality or solidarity CANNOT last. Just like in Chemistry or Music, there is Completeness of Life in a Stable Octet.
Fortunately, these 8 things are ubiquitous and far simpler than humanity has made them out to be. Strive to see Occam’s Razor reign every day: elegance IS a virtue.
Here’s the Rubric: the merit and durability of anything anyone does is a measure of its alignment with the BIG 4 “WHY”s that are vital:
1/ economicABUNDANCE
2/ ecologicalSTEWARDSHIP
3/ socialJUSTICE
4/ spiritualFREEDOM
Again, if any 1 of these 4 aims is diminished, ignored or marginalized, any prosperity is, at best, temporary.
So, with the WHY [the goal, aim, result or vision in place] THEN let’s determine HOW to get there.
Thank You, Simon Sinek, for clarifying this as the only tenable order of things. Let us see the promise embedded in the Proverb: ‘man without vision will perish’ inversely says ‘man with vision thrives’.
Once again, it’s really quite simple, if we are adventurously honest with ourselves:
The Big 4 “HOW”s are essential needs that all humans share, which means they are borderless and blind to diversionary nonsense like racial or cultural differences:
1/ affordableENERGY
2/ nutritiousFOOD
3/ cleanAIR
4/ pureWATER
Who has the courage to see the bigger picture?
Who has the integrity to ask the right questions so, at last, we can get on with the real answers?
What if air and water were CLEANER coming out of power plants, factories and farms than going in? What if people aren’t the problem but poverty is?
Because there IS peace in plenty that dwarfs the lie of lack with the Truth of Abundance. Because the “zero sum game” is a myth that is trumped by the “All Gain Sum”™️, every time.
And that’s why Concentric celebrates our offering to the world of the greatest Toolkit {HOW}, ever, for cultivating the ultimate truePROSPERITY {WHY}.
That’s ’The Resonance’ ®️.
That’s The Way of ConcentricDAO.
Creating a Future where natural technologies provide billions of people with pristine drinking water, nutritious food and access to clean energy...
Where breakthrough techniques Create an Abundance of Humankind's Essential Resources for sustainableLIFE™.
Concentric DAO White Paper Concentric DAO Primer
ConcentricDAO is a bona fide EFCOM (Engineer+Finance+Construct+Operate+Maintain) corporation with 4 decades of award-winning success deploying our unparalleled toolkit of 20+ patented greenTECH systems that make pure Energy, Food, Air & Water from everyday fuels & wastes, with zero pollution and at 25-75% ROI.
We purposefully restructured as a DAO in order to raise capital as secured Decentralized Finance for this vital good work in as efficient a Way as our HighEfficiency Natural Science tackles the most pressing challenges facing the world today: hunger & dehydration, poverty & pollution, disease & climate.
"ConcentricDAO is the paragon of the transformative convergence of DeFi + HiSci. The Nautilus Stewardship Coin (NSC) from Concentric Industries DAO provides the best way, ever, to make the whole world better."™️